Julie Poppen
- Posts12

A new year, a new school? Tips & resources for open enrollment
Are you participating in the open enrollment dance this year? You know, that frantic round of school tours, phone calls, coffee chats with other parents,...

Tips for a healthy Thanksgiving feast
The holiday season is almost upon us and I personally sense a little more pressure around the waistline. Why? I just returned from a mother-daughter...

Too many worksheets? What parents should expect for homework
Worksheets. What memories does the word conjure up for you? I still have a deep olfactory memory of the damp mimeograph worksheets we used to...

Talking to kids about pot in the era of legalization
Now that voters in Colorado have voted to legalize small (relatively) amounts of marijuana for general use, how the heck do you talk about the...

Fun activities and healthy snacks for your school’s Halloween party!
Once again, I am taking the easy way out. Juice boxes. That’s what I signed up to bring to my fifth grade daughter’s classroom Halloween...

Mix it up–How (and what) to pack in your kids’ school lunches
With the school year well underway, I am once again falling into my robotic daily lunch packing routine. Just like the year my daughter ate...

Class lists and more back-to-school dramas
Whoa. The house is so quiet. Why? My daughter is back in school. This is always a busy time of year as families attempt to...

The trampoline conundrum: To buy, or not to buy & safe jumping tips
It’s a question that any parent is bound to face: “Mom, dad, can we get a trampoline?? Please???” It’s a question we have pondered for...

How to turn your kids’ summer boredom into blossoming brains
Hard to believe it’s almost done. My daughter is headed to fifth grade. But there’s no time for nostalgia – I’m too caught up in...

Healthy summer camps for kids
When I went to summer camp, one of my clearest memories is of the colorful lumps of mashed potatoes: blue, purple, you name it. The...