- Posts67

Dangers of Denver’s Roads: RAGE
ROAD RAGE. It’s estimated that nearly 80% of all drivers have experienced an extreme level of anger while driving. For the second time in five...

25 Pranks to Become a Certified “April Fool”
The first day of April, not a legal holiday, but who can resist the fun of a little tease or prank just one day out...

Simple Decorating Tips From a Not-So-Professional Home Decorator
No, I’m not trying to scare off readers with the title of this article – I just want to be real clear in case my...

The Gifts Teachers Really Want
It’s that time of year again, when children pack up their desks, say goodbye to friends and give a final farewell before springing into a...

10 Fun Things To Do Your Leftover Halloween Candy…
OK, so apparently some people actually have this problem because I was asked to write a little something on this delicious Halloween dilemma of what...

Want to update your home for a fraction of the cost? Upcycle DIY!
During a recent trip, I had the opportunity to assist with a renovation project of an historical Hawaiian cottage-style home in the town of Kailua...

Parenting a Digital Native #Generation
Digital Natives…they’re children born after the year 2000, thrust into a culture immersed in computerization, dripping with technification (that’s a technical term, obviously). Having experienced...

Five Healthy Halloween Treats for Kids
treats don’t have to be unhealthy to be creepilcious. So, with the help of Pinterest and a few creative spins on some spooktacular ideas, I've...

Emotional Intelligence (EI)…tips for success in modern parenting
It’s a bit of a modern buzz word; particularly as we move further into a world dominated by the ease of accessibility to ones and...

Device Vice? A panel discussion you won’t want to miss…
As a woman - and mom - both working and continuing my education in the field of technology, I find it difficult to strike a...