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FeaturedRegistration is now open for our 2023 Summer Camps! Color your child’s world with a variety of exciting camps. Read more...
FeaturedAt Rising Sun Kids Summer camp, campers deepen their sense of wonder, knowledge, and comfort in nature, spark their unique creativity, and learn about Read more...
At Rising Sun Kids Summer Camp, campers deepen their sense of wonder, knowledge, and comfort in nature, spark their unique creativity, and learn about and activate their physical, emotional, and mental health and wellness through daily activities like nature and water play, hiking, environmental education and nature identification, yoga, mindfulness, healthy snack-making, crafts, and group games and activities that teach Read more...
The transition to kindergarten is meant to be one of the most important milestones a child will experience. Children with few group experiences may find adjusting to the kindergarten setting more challenging than children who have attended early childhood education programs. In response, numerous short-term kindergarten transition programs have sprouted up across the nation that operate in the summer months Read more...
i9 Multi-Sports HALF DAY Summer Camp (Mon-Thurs 9am-12pm) A fun-filled week of sports and games for boys and girls ages 6-12. Grab a friend and register today. There are limited spots available. Our 4-day multi-sport camp focuses on fun while incorporating a variety of activities daily and will include flag football, soccer, kickball, basketball, baseball and more. Camp leaders will Read more...
Summer Camps by Rising Sun Kids are unique because we don’t focus on just one aspect of your child’s development and interests. We combine nature and environmental education and play, mindfulness, yoga, healthy eating, social emotional skills and FUN. With the outdoors as their playground, kids will gain an appreciation for nature through structured and unstructured play. Through group hikes, Read more...
Join us as campers deepen their sense of wonder, knowledge, and comfort in nature, spark their creativity, and activate their wellness outdoors! Read more...