
I Won A Trip to See Taylor Swift in Los Angeles: A Mother-daughter Adventure!

So you know those contests that they have on the radio: “Win a trip to see some super artist in some tropical sounding location.” I have to admit, that sometimes I think it is not really possible to actually WIN one of those trips. That, in addition, to the fact that I am probably the most unlucky person there is! I was at a “Live at Five” concert with Alice 105.9 radio station. I had gone because they had an artist performing there that had won American Idol, Lee Dewyze. I thought that in and of itself was pretty cool. Free concert! I’m in! While I was there I put my name on a piece of paper. They were giving away two trips – one to see Bon Jovi in New Jersey and the other to see Taylor Swift in Los Angeles. As I wrote my name down, I said out loud, ...