I think you might be surprised at the many things you can learn about your children and their amazing, loving hearts as you help them set and keep their goals...in whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23
Dear Mama Drama: I adore my three-year-old daughter and love spending time with her. However, I have so much to do and she always wants my attention. I am frustrated as I can’t seem to get anything done when she is awake, which is most of the day. It ‘s impossible to even make a phone call! When I tell her I need ten minutes to take care of a few things she cooperatively says, “Okay, Mommy,” and then proceeds to check in with me every minute asking, “Is ten minutes over?” I need a little sanity, but don’t know what to do. I don’t want to put her in front of the television, but am not sure what other options I have. ~Begging for a break (photo credit) Dear Begging: There are so many mom jobs to get done throughout the day that your frustration is understandable. It is also important for chi...
Now that summer is officially over and October is here, we really have no excuses to not be into our “new” routine yet. Well, I have a confession to make: we’ve just now gotten into a smooth routine. What was the hold up? How hard can this be? Part of the challenge is the fact that Claire has always had a later bedtime than most. My husband works a later schedule, so if Claire went to bed earlier, she wouldn’t get to see Daddy at all. For all three-and-a-half years of her life, this hasn’t been an issue. Bedtime at 9:00 pm and getting up after the Crack of Nine the next day has worked for us. The Young Preschooler Class she did last year on Mondays met at Noon. Perfect! No struggles! Now that preschool starts at 8:45, we’ve been struggling with the new schedule. And, by “we” I mean me and ...