* * * stars (Out of 4)| Sci-fi saga | PG-13 | 97 Minutes In the annals of young adult-lit of the dystopian variety, Lois Lowry’s “The Giver” was published 18 years before “Divergent” and 15 years before “The Hunger Games.” And though the movie adaptations of Veronica Roth’s and Suzanne Collins’ ultra-popular novels beat the Newbery award-winning novel to the multiplex, each seems to taketh from “The Giver.” Had actor Jeff Bridges had his way, “The Giver” would have become a movie years ago. He started trying to develop it as a project for father, Lloyd, in the title role he now plays with a warm weariness. The Giver” unfolds in the time after “The Ruin.” Sameness rules the Community, a berg of t...