simple recipes

Make Ahead Meals – Burrito Bonanza (Breakfast, Chicken and Beef Burritos) – Freezer Meal Ideas

Since I am addicted to Pinterest, and nap time usually ends up with me searching and pinning for two hours instead of doing my chores has led me to find freezer meals!  During my searches, I have found that moms just like me are looking for quick ways to make dinner without a lot of work or clean up.  Throughout the multiple pins I have come across, I have been disappointed in the preparation of the dishes.  Many of the pins have combined raw meats with veggies to be pulled out and cooked at a later date, which sadly a lot of people do not know that this is a possible food contamination hazard. Yikes, right…?  I didn’t like this, but I loved the idea of being able to pull something out of the freezer and cook it any my convenience. We love Mexican food, and when the craving hits we usually...