
Contest: Kidliga Dish Sets for Boy and Girl, Plus Cookbooks (a $70 value!)

Livliga is excited to give away classy dinnerware sets and a darling book for your kiddos this season.  It’s that time again! Mile High Mamas is always excited to present fellow mamas with a fun giveaway and this gift is so charming and on queue for family dinner this winter. Boulder-based Livliga. is introducing Kidliga, its newest line of dishware sets, and this time, the plates are right-sized for the tots in your home! May we present to you one of the cutest sets of dishes in the Mile High area! The first is adorned in blue accents, for the little Mr. in your world. It includes a plate, cup and bowl that don a boy fishing, a little turtle and a honeybee nest. The second has the same theme, but this time ornate with light pink for the little Miss. Both include the storybook, “Sammi...