
My 4 Month Old Weaned Himself….But I Wasn’t Ready

 Breastfeeding. This word encompasses feelings of attachment, exhaustion, bonding, frustration, love and imprisonment. For some moms, breastfeeding comes easily, others find it more difficult and many choose not to breastfeed at all.  After a battle of infertility due to hormone abnormalities, I was relieved that I was able to nurse and become part of the “breastfeeding is easy” group. That is, until our son Declan turned four months old.  At first I thought, could it be a cold, teething, four-month regression or is he simply hungry?  My sweet baby boy went from happy smiles and sleeping through the night to almost constant crying and waking up 3-4 times a night. After a week my husband and I decided it was time to call the pediatrician and lactation consult. Both said ...