
How Reading Partners is Changing Lives One Hour, One Week at a Time

In Colorado, 4 out of 5 fourth graders from low-income families cannot read at grade level. Did you read that last sentence?  Is that real? It is, and it means that 93% of students in under-resourced schools feel frustrated or defeated every time they open a book. It means that students who should be ready to start books like Harry Potter are instead still uncomfortable reading BOB Books and Dr. Seuss. It means that ultimately, these kids are four times more likely to drop out of school when they get older. As a father of three, I have a hard time grappling with these statistics. Think of all the families right here in Denver who see their children struggling in school and just don’t have the resources or time to help them. Here’s where Reading Partners comes in.  We are a non-profit organ...

Make a Difference in Boulder: Musicians Raising Funds to Help Youth Battling Addictions

Musicians in Boulder are hoping to build a studio in collaboration with AIM House and Factory Made to encourage, impact and train young people coming out of rehab. How you can help The Listening Well!