From sea, sky, and land, they’ve come! Mythic Creatures have invaded the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. From now until September 7th, your family can encounter some of the most legendary beasts concocted by the human imagination. Some are really scary. (Chupacabra, I’m looking at you.) Some are majestic, like the Unicorn or Griffon. Others are comical, colorful, creepy or all of the above. The newest exhibit at the DMNS brings together history, geography, oral tradition, mythology, and the fossil record in one of the most innovative collections I’ve ever seen. Massive life-sized creatures rise from the floor, swoop from the rafters, and pose as if they are about to kick off the best fantasy epic this side of Lord of the Rings. Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Unicorns, an...
One city. Five thousand years. Three young women as tour guides and one incredible experience. These are some of the numbers that figure into the must-see film by National Geographic, Jerusalem 3D, now playing at the IMAX Theater at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
During road trips, nothing beats a museum for prompting a child’s eyes to glaze over. History? To kids, that means last year. But a handful of Colorado museums will pique the interest of otherwise jaded youth. Here are some of them: Giant Steam Shovel Colorado 119 at Colorado 72, outside the Nederland Mining Museum, Nederland Dig in. This behemoth, officially known as the Bucyrus 50-B steam shovel, was built in 1923 and labored at the Lump Gulch Placer mine near Rollinsville. When the mine closed in 1973, the steam shovel was left to itself for 35 years. In 2005, it was donated to the Nederland Area Historical Society as the last functional steam shovel of its kind in the world. It did not actually dig the Panama Canal, which was completed in 1914, long before the Bucyrus 50-B was a ...