letting go

Becoming Mothers: My Birthing Epiphany–It’s All About Letting Go! Seriously!!!

My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for about a year. We decided to shift gears and do some home remodeling since the baby thing didn’t seem to be happening. We ordered new windows, hardwood floors, and “rice paper” white carpet and, of course, promptly discovered I was pregnant. We let go of our expectations and then, surprise! I loved being pregnant, had very little nausea – really, like twice, and my biggest complaint was how large my mammary glands, aka breasts, became. For a while they extended farther than my belly. I let go of the image I had of my body and practiced accepting the beautiful body of motherhood. We were absolutely certain we were having a girl and had a name all ready. Then, of course, we found out we were having a boy. We let go