For those who can’t “Let It Go,” Lincoln Square Productions and Walt Disney Animation Studios are airing an original special “The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic.” The special ventures behind-the-scenes for an exclusive look at the origins and evolution of the Academy Award-winning film Frozen, now the biggest animated feature of all time. A breathtaking and fantastic saga, the special tells the real story of making a modern movie based on a timeless tale that nearly overnight became a cultural touchstone for legions of fans. According to the Disney Insider, viewers will get a rare look inside Walt Disney Animation Studios and unprecedented access to the creative team that brought Frozen to life. Throughout the one-hour special, the audie...
“Mom, so where are we going for our surprise?” “I’m not telling. Be here’s a hint: the movie, Frozen.” “Ice castles? Are we going to see ICE CASTLES?” My kids nailed it on the first guess. And much to our delight, the giant Ice Castles in Breckenridge, Colo. are a cut right out of Disney’s musical fantasy where you’ll swear you’ve been swept away in an eternal winter with magic at every turn. Disclaimer: mangy reindeer named Sven not included. This is Brent Christensen’s fifth year building Ice Castles and his third go-around in Colorado (previous years were in Silverthorne and Steamboat). Conveniently located at 150 W Adams Ave. in downtown Breck adjacent to Blue River Plaza, the 1-acre frozen kingdom gives you yet another ...