
The 10 most popular St. Patrick’s Day dishes

For St. Patrick’s Day, you want shepherd’s pie — and corned beef, shamrock shakes and cabbage rolls. According to Yahoo, searches for Irish food recipes soar as St. Patrick’s Day approaches. The phrase “Irish food” alone received an 820% boost, while recipes for corned beef and cabbage jumped 685%. Get in the spirit by hunting down popular and traditional meals. Here are the top 10 Irish-related food searches of the past week. 1. Shepherd’s Pie (James Strange/Flickr) This humble meal is a classic, full of hearty meat and potatoes, and baked into a thick bready crust. 2. Corned Beef (Stuart Spivack) “Corned” refers to a process where the beef is cured in a brine solution. It’s more of an Irish-American dish (the traditional Iri...