From sea, sky, and land, they’ve come! Mythic Creatures have invaded the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. From now until September 7th, your family can encounter some of the most legendary beasts concocted by the human imagination. Some are really scary. (Chupacabra, I’m looking at you.) Some are majestic, like the Unicorn or Griffon. Others are comical, colorful, creepy or all of the above. The newest exhibit at the DMNS brings together history, geography, oral tradition, mythology, and the fossil record in one of the most innovative collections I’ve ever seen. Massive life-sized creatures rise from the floor, swoop from the rafters, and pose as if they are about to kick off the best fantasy epic this side of Lord of the Rings. Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Unicorns, an...
The Denver Museum of Nature and Science has always welcomed the tiniest explorers and scientists. But now, they’ve taken everything they know about engaging young kids and channeled it into a gorgeously whimsical, brand-new Discovery Zone. Housed in the stunning Morgridge Family Exploration Center, the new and improved 5500 square foot Discovery Zone is going to be one of the most popular top spots for tots in the museum—and maybe even in the city. It’s easy to see why. I took three kids, ages seven, five, and three to check it out one recent morning. They are at the perfect ages for the Discovery Zone. Their first words as we walked through the doors were “whoa!” and “wow!” and “what!?” I don’t think they knew where to begin. Cle...
I’m feeling very kid-in-a-candy-store as I push through the door into “Maya: Hidden Worlds Revealed,” a massive exhibit in the new wing of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. The familiar, mysterious forms of limestone steps and jaguar masks come into focus as I turn the corner and begin my journey. I travel to the Maya region often — to Belize, Guatemala and parts of Mexico, El Salvador and Honduras. Each archaeological site in these countries is unique: Tikal’s steep temples in the highlands, Chichén Itzá’s wide ballcourt in the Yucatan; Copán, the Athens of the Classic Period kingdoms (A.D. 250-900). Each place has its own history, style, energy and purpose, and to see them all in one place and in relation to each other is a rare archaeological smorg...
Picture this: It’s a major holiday. You have all your best china and crystal laid out on a beautifully set table. Candles flicker. Everyone smiles in anticipation as you place a golden turkey in the center. The dog in the corner is drooling. Then, without warning, you grab the tablecloth and yank. Will the big day be ruined or will you be the best holiday hostess ever with your cool trick? Thanks to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, you can practice this skill and learn the science behind it. From now through January 5th, 2014, the DMNS is hosting Mythbusters: The Explosive Exhibition. The wildly popular Discovery Channel show is now a hands-on, crazily fun experience for the entire family. In the Blueprint Room, fans of the show will recognize 60 actual props, machines, and c...
There’s a time machine on the third floor of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and it’s target is the Ice Age. This wild and woolly era of earth’s history hosted some of the most fascinating animals to roam the earth, including our own Colorado backyard. This rich fossil record has been collected into an astonishing exhibit called Mammoths and Mastadons: Titan of the Ice Age. From now until May 27th, 2013, families can explore the lives—and deaths—of these majestic creatures through hands-on activities and numerous interactive stations. Kids can joust with tusks, touch molars the size of bricks, be immersed in a painted cave, play with pachyderm poo, pose with intimidating life-sized models of ice age animals, and coo over baby mammoth Lyuba. Fun animat...
On Wednesday evening, Mile High Mamas went wild. Or rather, into the wild. We were among the first to see the Denver Museum of Nature & Science’s newest exhibit, “Amazon Voyage: Vicious Fishes and Other Riches.” The museum hosted 40 of Colorado’s social media moms to a gourmet South American buffet dinner that included Columbian Sirloin Empanadas, Acarajé-Brazilian Black Eyed Pea Shrimp Fritters and Fresh Jicama Napa Cabbage Salad. We weren’t exactly roughing it. The exhibit’s aim is to teach about the biodiversity of the second-longest rivers in the world, and show how humans can reverse some of the damage they have done to the region over time. Or in kid-speak: You get to explore the Amazon and learn how to make a difference in a fun way. This int...