denver birthday party

Rolling Video Games Denver: the ultimate party for video-game lovers!

My 8-year-old son Bode’s friends have varied interests. Some are soccer and track stars, others like math, reading, basketball, riding their bikes and swimming. But the one thing that binds every single one of them together is they love video games. So, when Bode announced he wanted to have a video game birthday party, I balked. We tried to pull off that theme a few year years ago with our Wii and various DS gaming consoles but it was so anti-social as each child retreated into their little gaming space. Video games are fun, but the caveat for throwing a similar party was it had to be a bonding, social experience. Enter: Rolling Video Games Denver (RVG). I first connected with Mike Worley’s company on Twitter several months ago and thought the concept was brilliant. A 32 -...