
Gretchen’s Grabs: ‘Yes Day’ on Netflix and ‘Cover Me in Sunshine,’ the song we all need right now!

With March, I think of Spring and all things starting to go outside. I love being outside on my deck and thinking about my garden. Yes Day (March 12). Do you feel like you tell your kids ‘no’ a lot? Yes, me too. We love the idea of a Yes Day – where the kids are in power and they get to ask the parents to do fun little things and the parents have to say Yes (and do it). Inspired by the new Netflix movie of the same name – maybe you will join my family and I as we try out a Yes Day of our own (And Yes to watching the movie). Dream Tripping. Does anyone else feel the pull of planning a dream trip? I know I often do at this time of year. It is Spring Break time. It is time to plan the summer vacation or camp. But given last year and still uncertainties about when we will b...

Denver Deal: Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month is January 2016

I grew up in Steamboat. And yes, we had skiing as our gym class in elementary school. After I had my kiddos I had not gone skiing in a long time mostly due to cost and I wasn’t sure if my kids would love it. Then when my son got his free pass in 5th Grade (back then there was not the Vail Epic School Kids offering it to Kindergartners) – he challenged me to learn snowboarding. The first time was not pretty (I could not figure out how to stop the stupid thing and was toted to the bottom of the ski area strapped to a sled provided by the lovely mountain staff). After that, I did get a lesson (on a cheap deal in January since it is Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month) and the rest is sort of family history. I love snowboarding. I can’t wait to go every year! It is great fun wit...

Denver Free Days January through June 2016

As we round the first of the year – put some of these great and free attractions on your list of must-dos in 2016!  Always be sure to check their website to confirm dates and times. January Friday, Jan 1 – First Hikes free admission at several Colorado State Parks Saturday, Jan 2 – Denver Art Museum (P.S. It is free every day all year for kids 18 and under).  Tuesday, Jan 5 – Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield Tuesday, Jan 5 – Target First Tuesdays, Children’s Museum of Denver 4-8 p.m. Friday, Jan 8 – Denver Zoo Saturday, Jan 9 – Denver Zoo Monday, Jan 18 – Denver Botanic Gardens Monday, Jan 18 – National Parks Thursday, Jan 21 – Denver Zoo Monday, Jan 25 – Denver Museum of Nature and Science Sunday, Jan 31 ...

Denver Deal: Black Friday!

Maybe my family is weird. After all the Turkey is done, we sit around the table and get out the paper (about the only one I buy each year) to plot the day ahead – Black Friday. My daughter has even joined the fun the last few years – despite her not being a morning person AT ALL. But, with the promise of a Starbucks to start her 4 a.m. day she can handle it.  Target First Tuesday FREE Day. Tuesday, December 1, head over to the Children’s Museum of Denver for FREE admission from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. to check-out the $16 million expansion. Black Friday Festivities: Outlets at Castle Rock – On top of the center’s daily commitment to 30-70% off retail prices – Outlets at Castle Rock’s Moonlight Madness sale promises a fun, family-friendly late-night shopping ...

Denver Deal: White Fence Farm, Starbucks, Library Sale and More

As a mini shout-out to my son and his ThunderRidge Grizzlies High School football team. Congratulations to them on winning yet another round in the state play-offs. I am excited for them to play against Cherry Creek this next Friday. What I am not excited about now is the snow and the cold. Broncos fans help me out here. How in the world do you stay warm at these things? Any tips you can give me are much appreciated!    Denver FREE Day. Head on over to the Denver Zoo on November 19th. It’s FREE admission! Denver Public Library Book Sale. Every once in a while even the library has to clean their shelves. This is when YOU score a great deal. November 19-21 the sale at the Denver Public Library (on floor B2) will include books for $1-3. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ea...

Denver Deal: McDonalds, Sonic, Driver Training, Consignments and More

I’m sort of obsessed with mail–I love getting mail. I subscribe to a bunch of magazines and get so excited when they arrive. I have even joined some of those “of the month” clubs. I thought this was just my obsession until my daughter asked me, “Hey Mom, when is that Try the World Box coming?” It came the very next day. This time the country was Japan. Each month they focus on a country or region and we get to taste a few goodies from that location. It is lots of fun to have an at-home learning experience.  McDonalds.  McDonald’s introduced a new app for customers that delivers advanced capabilities from the convenience of your smartphone. By downloading the new app and registering, receive a national offer for a FREE large sandwich from M...

Kids Ski Deals So Great They’ll Make You Squeal

Nothing makes me squeal more like a teenager than the two words Snowboarding and Deals. And I will totally go ga-ga when they are in a sentence together! That is why I love Labor Day weekend! The unofficial weekend of ski sales in the Denver area for Colorado ski families.  Vail Epic Ski Kids. Vail Resorts (Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge and Keystone) are offering a free pass for Colorado Residents in Kindergarten through 5th Grade. The pass allows kids to ski/snowboard four times at each of their resorts. You must go to a Colorado Ski & Golf, Ski and Sport or Boulder Sports in person with your kiddo to fill out paperwork. You also have to bring a recent photo (head shot) of your kids. The program includes a free first-timer lesson and equipment rental on that day.  Fifth a...

Fall 2015 Kid’s Consignment Sale Schedule

It’s finally here! Twice a year, Mile High Mamas does a round-up detailing Colorado’s popular children’s consignment sales. Thousands of shoppers find bargains on kids’ clothing for newborn-preteen, toys, strollers, furniture, baby equipment, books, shoes, maternity items and more…all at 50-90% below retail. And once again, Tracey Gifford–a mom of two boys and owner of the Just Between Friends sale in Denver–has compiled this year’s schedule. As a word of thanks, I’d like to offer a little shout-out to Tracey’s sale October 1-4, 2015, which is the largest kids’ gear and clothing resale event in Metro Denver. Mention Mile High Mamas and get in FREE! Be sure to also check out the following fabulous sales: *AUGUST 15 Mothers of Multiples Society Sale Saturday 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., $2 admissio...

Denver Deal: IHOP, 7-Eleven, Sonic, Free Days and More

I used to fancy myself as a bit of a free spirit – not really conforming to schedule and rigidity. However it was recently pointed out to me that I am more and more a schedule person. I think being a mom has really turned me into that. I have to know which child is going where, what they need (even though they are teens and typically pack it themselves – but sometimes we have to go to the store to buy stuff) and I usually write the cool FREE events I write about here on my calendar. If I don’t have my calendar up we might miss something. I guess some things DO change.  IHOP.  IHOP is celebrating 57 years in business July 7 with 57 cent short stack of pancakes.    Sonic. Thursday, July 9 Sonic will offer 1/2 price off ice-cream cones all day! ...

“I’m Bored” and the Light at the End of the Summertime Tunnel

For my daughter, it’s bright summer sunshine. For me, it’s the oncoming train of summer vacation, and the train whistle is tooting a steady stream of “I’m bored! I’m bored! I’m bored!” We’re more than a month into summer vacation and I have to listen to that whistle until the end of August. Somebody hold me, please. Fortunately, we live on a street filled with kids who’ll also be complaining of impending death from boredom, so I can always slather her with sunscreen and shoo her outside. I won’t lock the doors though, like my mother did to us. (Anybody else’s mother ever do that?) I’m already admittedly the meanest mom around, and at no other time am I meaner than summertime. But I’m not just mean to other people...

Denver Deal: Free Summer Concerts and Movies

What does summer mean to you? Does it mean sitting by a pool? Taking a hike? A picnic in a park? In addition to all the great free days at attractions (posted here), we are lucky to have several venues who have free entertainment–from free outdoor concerts to free movies and more. Denver is chock-full of great, talented musicians that play around town for free – and what is better than a movie outdoors on a cool summer night among about 500 of your closest friends? I say nothing! Nothing is better. June Week of June 1 –  June 1 – Infinity Park Movie Big Hero 6 June 2 – Greenwood Village Crescent concert Motones June 3 – Southlands kids event Kidtopia -Arts & Culture June 3 – Littleton Museum concert Tim Stiles June 3 – Evergreen...

Denver Deal: Haagen Dazs, Neighborhood Music, Barnes & Noble and More

I was reintroduced to the streets that make up Cherry Creek North recently and discovered some fun finds of stores and I can’t wait to get back to visit again. While I was there I got to tour PrAna (They have weekly free Yoga classes),  Pura Vita (a cool gym where you can literally hang from the ceiling), Club Pilates (I want to try Pilates), Fitness Logic (a gym where you can get a full workout in just 30 minutes). I also tried pizza at Patxi’s (It was delicious!!). I tried a flight of cold-pressed juices at Aspen Juice – my favorite was the Casablanca. But there was a tour that did several other stores I didn’t get to go to including Aviano Coffee shop and  one of two consignment stores there (reason to go back).  Haagen Dazs.  Enjoy a fre...

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