It’s that time of year again, when children pack up their desks, say goodbye to friends and give a final farewell before springing into a summer of endless sunshine and fun…followed by dog days of summer, indoor air conditioning, boredom and whining. And that’s when we gain a true appreciation for our children’s teachers!
It’s the time of year again that my husband Jamie dreads. That time when I become delusional and somehow forget that I cannot do crafts. That I have never been able to do crafts and I never will be able to do crafts. Every year, the female members of my church gather for Super Saturday (or Fabulous Friday) in an event that can only be described as Martha Stewart on Steroids. This year, I recruited my creative and craft-loving 9-year-old daughter to assist me which, in incompetent craft terms, means do it for me. For the first time ever, we had a wonderfully bonding experience as we learned how to decorate cupcakes and paint darling decorative blocks for the holiday. A few years ago, I wasn’t so lucky. The classes included photography, dutch oven, bread making and fondue classes...
It’s that time of year again! Not only is it the day you fill your stomachs with Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, and Apple Pie, it’s a day to spend with family and friends. There are many fun activities you can do on this glorious day. Gratitude Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday to commemorate a harvest festival by the Pilgrims in 1621. Show your thanks this year by doing something selfless to show your compassion. Send a holiday care package to a soldier: Many men and women in the military are
In the 1970s, moms were macrame and Mod Podge maniacs. In the 80s, papier-mâché made them proud. Today, there is no crafty medium moms aren’t drooling to try. The more picture-worthy, the better. Every minor holiday, movie opening, and observance is suddenly elevated to Christmas Feast status by moms hungry to impart meaning, beauty, and to keep little hands from becoming idle—and her own. Craftiness is next to Godliness—or, it at least gives us the ultimate compliment: Pin-worthiness. But how can you tell if you are a little too devoted to your hot glue gun and sewing machine? Here’s a quiz that will tell you where you land on the scale. 1. Your fingernails are usually: a. Hand-model worthy. b. Short, stumpy, sensible, and safe.
Don't miss these five low-cost (and easy) ideas for Easter Activities for preschoolers that you can fit into your busy schedule and encourage the fun of the season with your little ones.