Dear Mama Drama: My three-year-old daughter has a December birthday and we are inundated with toys and “stuff” from our very generous family. We appreciate their gifts, but are all a bit overwhelmed by the amount of new toys. My daughter tends to leave them strewn about the house bouncing from one activity to the next, then struggles to clean them up usually ending in a meltdown. We need ideas to help find some balance with it all. (photo credit) ~Appreciative, But Overwhelmed Mama
Dear Mama Drama: My three-year-old daughter is driving me crazy! I love her to death and she’s got so much spunk, but when I need her to get things done and she refuses or throws a tantrum and I am at a loss. She could care less about consequences and seems to enjoy all the attention she gets from lectures. I seem to be the only one frustrated in this situation. ~Going crazy / CC BY 2.0 Dear Going Crazy: Three can be a challenging age as children seek more independence and challenge expectations. They often run on their own time schedule and our demands can appear random and unreasonable to them. Creating a daily visual schedule can help your daughter to understand the routine of the day. If something needs to change for that day, you can change the pic...