
The Books Showing Up on Christmas Wish Lists for Denver Moms

This holiday season, many parents are hoping only that Santa delivers the answer to their most pressing parenting issue. Why won’t my toddler eat anything but candy? How do I help my daughter make friends? Why is my son failing math? Why is every family but ours able to balance sports, an instrument and homework? Will she ever put that cell phone down? Our carpool is a disaster! A girlfriend!? Dear Santa, please help! So here’s a list of great books about parenting, our children and education. Some will make you laugh out loud at yourself or your kids. An occasional chapter may make you cry. They all provide guidance that you can take or leave. But the best thing about these books is that you realize you are not alone. My favorite of 2013 was Masterminds and Wingmen by Rosalind Wiseman. Wi...