5 ways to help kids pay attention in the classroom and at home

Mindful Life School teaches children in Colorado to use mindfulness to increase capacity for empathy, attention, impulse control emotional regulation and intimacy.

Mama Drama: Attention Anxiety – Is it ADHD?

Dear Mama Drama: (photo credit) My seven-year-old daughter is struggling in school. Her teachers say she daydreams and is off in her own world so she doesn’t get her work done. At home she also needs lots of reminders and support to get things done. Someone suggested that she may have attention deficit disorder, but I’m not sure what that means. I’ve seen kids who are very hyper and have trouble sitting still, but this doesn’t fit my daughter. While she needs help getting ready for school and keeping track of her things, she can also sit and draw or read for hours. Other people have suggested she might need medication, which seems really scary to me. Can you give me some insight and ideas for how to support her? ~Anxious Mama