
Learn How to Golf with Get Ready Golf in Just Five Short Sessions

Not that I would bag on my ex (who would do that?!??) who often proclaimed me un-athletic. But I do believe this was his deep-seated belief that I might beat him at something that was typically reserved for just him and his buddies – GOLF. Ladies were not included and the day typically was one where he would leave the house early (and leave me at home with the kids) while he and the guys would go out having fun. Grrr. I wanted to have fun too. Fast forward to just a few short years past divorce and I have been offered the opportunity to learn to play golf with the PGA’s Get Golf Ready program. I have discovered golf is amazingly fun and with great teaching (from Jamie  at Highlands Ranch Golf Club) and I have realized I am pretty OK at the game. Golf can be a lot of fun fo...

Stop the boredom whines

Summer seems to be flying by. Swimming, playing, traveling is winding down. I don’t know about you but I’m hearing a lot of, “I don’t know what to do!” As if. It makes me crazy. But, no more. I’m prepared, and now, so are you. I’ve made a little “What to do when I’m bored” list — including pictures for little ones. And do you know what? Now my kids are perfect and never whine! Isn’t that great? From just the one little chart. As if.