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The Loss of a Father: When you’re grieving Father’s Day

Father's day grief
Is the anchor pulled from the seabed
the steering wheel unhinged
the mast split by lightning
and the bow broken by storm.
The ship that you sailed
until now
feels unsafe
no longer weather-proof
and without direction
or brave heart
to speed its way.
Perhaps you did not even know
that he was your compass
that you gazed upon his lead
like a North-star in the night.
He gave you all of this
you see
without notice or congratulation
continuously guiding
always showing the way
in the way he knew how.
And whilst you are cast adrift
I know this to be true
you will anchor yourself once more my friend
when you realize
that his voice still speaks
still guides
still brings brave heart your way
in the roughest of storms.
And the answers you seek
he already planted deep
within your heart
for he knew one day
you would need to sail alone.
So he buried little pieces of himself
within your heart
your mind
your spirit
and your soul
little breadcrumbs of love
to show the way
Mile High Mamas
Author: Mile High Mamas

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