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mother's day / Motherhood / Non-Profit

Celebrate isolated moms in Denver with flowers and gifts

Mother's Day Denver

Are you looking for a Mother’s Day gift to show your mom or maternal figure that you are thinking of them?

By supporting Volunteers of America’s “I Remember Mama Fundraiser,” you can give in honor of a loved one and, in return, we will mail them your special message for Mother’s Day. This fundraiser supports VOA Colorado’s Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), which delivers handmade cards, a program with kind messages, goodie bags, and other treats for older women who would otherwise spend Mother’s Day alone.

“It is so nice to hear someone ask about my well-being. Receiving the card is the most inspiring thing. I have it on display. This card lifted my spirits. It gave me the energy to go outside and enjoy the nice weather”. – I Remember Mama participant

For just $25, you can sponsor a bouquet of Mother’s Day flowers. Help them reach their goal of delivering to 150 women in the Denver Metro.

Mile High Mamas
Author: Mile High Mamas

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