Over 3 million years ago, our ancient ancestors realized that rocks could be broken into sharp-edged objects for slicing meat. This discovery not only resulted in a good meal, but eventually changed the fate of our species and planet.
Join archaeologist Chip Colwell and journalist Helen Thorpe for a thrilling and accessible dialogue on Colwell’s latest book, “So Much Stuff: How Humans Discovered Tools, Invented Meaning, and Made More of Everything.”
Thursday, Jan. 25
7 p.m.
Morgridge Family Exploration Center
$15 Member | $18 Public
A former curator at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Colwell traveled the world to investigate how humanity took three leaps that led to stuff becoming inseparable from our lives. His investigation tells the story of how we began a love affair with things that, with landfills brimming and oceans drowning in trash, could now lead to our downfall. Book signing to follow.
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