Mile High Mamas’ Denver Summer Guide for 2023 is here. Go here to see Denver’s Summer Camp Guide.
What sets us apart is we not only offer an easily-searchable directory but also offer blog post features for your summer camp that are easily searchable and found on Google.
Denver’s Summer Camp Guide 2023
There are four different options:
1) Ultimate summer camp listing. $325 Giveaway (optional), blog feature under ‘hot topics,’ (featured on the homepage for 1 month), 1-year directory with top featured placement, newsletter and social media feature. (Limited number available. Valid 1 year.
2) Premium summer camp listing. $150. Second-tier placement in the directory. Client-provided blog post for the website. (Limited number of premium summer camp listings available; valid 1 year).
3) Featured listing: $25. Placement below Premium listing in camp directory, additional fields included (multiple pictures, longer description, social media, etc). (Limited number of featured summer camp listings available; valid 6 months).
4) Basic listing. Free (valid for 3 months). Basic description and website, displayed under ultimate, premium and featured listings.
Helpful Hints When Adding Your Listing
1) Please go here to add your listing before February 10, 2023.
2) Follow the brief registration process and click Add Your Listing
3) Select your package. Wait for the correct form to upload (should take a few seconds)
4) Include title, description, etc.
5) For categories, be sure to select “Camp.” Wait for a second and then select your sub-category (Sports, Academic, Arts, etc.) Featured and Premium listings may select more than one category and premium listings have more than one camp location listed.
6) Fill out your address. If your city does not appear on the drop-down box, enter it in, wait a moment for the system to register and then click on the city name. After entering in the zip code, click “set address” so it appears on the map.
7) Add image(s), click the box to accept our terms, preview and follow the further instructions before clicking “publish.” We will review all listings prior to going live.
Questions? Please contact us at [email protected].