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Activities / Denver Fun

These Ruff Times Need ‘Dogs! A Science Tail’ at the DMNS

These Ruff Times Need ‘Dogs! A Science Tail’ at the DMNS

Few places on the planet are more obsessed with dogs than Colorado. Everywhere we walk, run, shop, eat, dogs abound — and bound. If you live near a dog park and a regular playground, which is more packed on a sunny Saturday morning? The one where you hear, “Bella, drop that! Drop that! Bella, come!” Never mind, that’s both. 

In Colorado, we love our kids and our dogs, which is why you should check out Dogs! A Science Tail at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. This traveling exhibit explores the who, where, when, how, and why of dogs. Why are they the way they are? Why do they do that? If you have ever known or loved a dog, you have questions.

Dogs! A Science Tail is a joyful ode to dogs’ earliest wild wolf origins and today’s roles as floofiest friends. This sweet and accessible educational tribute to dogs will help you understand their role in nature and in your own family. Even if you are a cat person, you can’t deny the important role dogs have played in human history. Through interactive stations, you can learn how the special bond between dogs and people developed over the past 10,000 years. You’ll learn about dog anatomy, like their incredible noses that know you have a cookie crumb in your purse. How do dogs see the world? Hear the world? Are you faster than a chihuahua?

You can battle your companions in a game of “Jeopawdy,” hosted by Alex Trebek. Test your knowledge of dogs in pop culture and history. Most importantly, Dogs! A Science Tail educates visitors about how to care for and understand the dogs in our lives. Visitors can share their own dog stories on video. Plus, you can upload a photo of your own special dog friend at the end of the exhibit. Be proud of your pup! 

COVID precautions are enforced. The various stations in this and all museum exhibits are sanitized very regularly, particularly high-touch surfaces. We saw several employees devoted to cleaning in the exhibit space and they were working hard. Masks are required. To encourage and maintain social distancing, entry to Dog! A Science Tail requires a separate timed ticket in addition to your museum ticket.

To plan your visit, check hours, prices, and ticket availability, visit the DMNS

Gretchen White
Author: Gretchen White

Gretchen is a mom of nine careening toward 50 in Colorado. She writes about the people, places and things she loves.

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Gretchen is a mom of nine careening toward 50 in Colorado. She writes about the people, places and things she loves.

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