Recently a group of eighth-graders was discussing Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER, and a few of them told the teacher how surprised to learn in the film that almost 40% of teens with mobile devices in their room report that they wake up and check it at least once a night.
Many of you have kids or teens with devices in their room during bedtime, and I am sure many of you have fought to change that and felt defeated. I hear things from parents like:
“I go to bed before my teens, so there is no way for me to make sure they turn them in, so I have given up.” Or, “They sneak in screens, so why even try.” Or “They have to do homework late into the night, so why even have a rule about this?”
Do any of those sound familiar?
Today it is all about answers. I’m sharing with you dozens of rules and solutions other families have come up with around how to keep devices out of the bedroom during sleep hours.
Host a screening of Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER: Uncovering Skills for Stress and/or Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age to help spark change.