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Children / Consumer

How A 6-Year-Old Girl’s Letter Launched ‘Plastic Army Women’

How A 6-Year-Old Girl’s Letter Launched ‘Plastic Army Women’

This summer, a young girl from Arkansas wrote a Northeastern Pennsylvania toy company out of frustration.

“My name is Vivian. I am six years old. Why do you not make girl army men?” wrote Vivian Lord to BMC Toys.

To Jeff Imel, the president of BMC Toys, which makes the iconic Green Army Men figurines, it was a worthy question and one he had mulled over for years.

“It was a heartfelt letter,” Imel told NPR. “And it reminded me of being a kid and always wanting that toy that you couldn’t get in the gumball machine,” he said. “So I really looked into it.”

After conducting research into what kind of demand there might be for the little Green Army Women, he decided recently to answer Vivian Lord’s question with an announcement: “It’s happening.”

Click to keep reading at NPR about how one little girl made a difference! 

Photo: BMC Toys

Mile High Mamas
Author: Mile High Mamas

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