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Guide to FREE Outdoor Concerts in Denver

Guide to FREE Outdoor Concerts in Denver
Summer is the time to be outside for an evening concert with your friends. Enjoying a picnic and some great music (or a movie) is something fun and FREE! Always double-check with the organizer prior to attending.


June 1 — Tunisia. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

June 2 — Emma Mayes & The Hip. City Park Jazz at the Bandstand by City Park Pavilion on Ferril Lake.

June 4 — American Honey. Concerts at the Crescent at the Crescent Amphitheater in Greenwood Village.

June 4 — The Chris Daniels Trio. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

June 5 — TBA. Northglenn Summer Concert at EB Rains Park in Northglenn.

June 6 — Mostly Harmless. Highlands Ranch Summer Concert Series

June 6 — Dakota Blonde. Littleton’s Clement Park plays host to Foothills Entertainment Series

June 6: Chase N The Dream. FlatIron Crossing’s Summer Nights Concert Series

June 7 — The Chris Daniels Trio. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza

June 8 — The Radio. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

June 8 — Ladies of the 80’s – Sisters of Rock. Stapleton’s Founders Green.

June 9 — Joe Smith & The Spicy Pickles. City Park Jazz at the Bandstand by City Park Pavilion on Ferril Lake.

June 11 — Funkiphino. Concerts at the Crescent at the Crescent Amphitheater in Greenwood Village.

June 12 — Tenth Mountain Division. Evergreen Lake

June 12 — TBA. Northglenn Summer Concert at EB Rains Park in Northglenn

June 13: Wash Park. FlatIron Crossing’s Summer Nights Concert Series

June 13 — Black Water. Littleton’s Clement Park plays host to Foothills Entertainment Series

June 13 — Michael Friedman Band. Highlands Ranch Summer Concert Series

June 13 — Jakarta. Sounds of Southlands.

June 13 – Play’n Dirty at Arvada McIlvoy Park

June 14 — Paizley Park Prince Tribute Band. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

June 14 – Black Panther Movie. Stapleton’s Movies on The Green

June 15 — Narrow Gauge. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

June 16 — Hazel Miller. City Park Jazz at the Bandstand by City Park Pavilion on Ferril Lake.

June 17 – Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse Movie at Infinity Park.

June 18 — The Long Run. Concerts at the Crescent at the Crescent Amphitheater in Greenwood Village.

June 19 — TBA. Northglenn Summer Concert at EB Rains Park in Northglenn

June 20: Face. FlatIron Crossing’s Summer Nights Concert Series

June 20 — Buckstein. Littleton’s Clement Park plays host to Foothills Entertainment Series

June 20 — Forever in Blue Jeans. Highlands Ranch Summer Concert Series

June 20 — Montage. Sounds of Southlands.

June 20 – Arapahoe Philharmonic at Englewood City Center

June 20 – Lois Lane and The Super Cowboys at Arvada McIlvoy Park

June 21 — Modinks. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

June 21 – Amazing Elstun’s Magic Show for Kids at Arvada McIlvoy Park

 June 22 — The Long Run. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

June 22 — Soul School. Stapleton’s Founders Green.

June 23 — Dotsero. City Park Jazz at the Bandstand by City Park Pavilion on Ferril Lake.

June 25 — Pulse. Concerts at the Crescent at the Crescent Amphitheater in Greenwood Village.

June 26 — Ryan Chrys & The Rough Cuts. Evergreen Lake

June 26 — TBA. Northglenn Summer Concert at EB Rains Park in Northglenn

June 27: That Eighties Band. FlatIron Crossing’s Summer Nights Concert Series

June 27 — 6 Million Dollar Band. Littleton’s Clement Park plays host to Foothills Entertainment Series

June 27 — The Long Run. Highlands Ranch Summer Concert Series

June 27 — The Country Music Project. Sounds of Southlands.

June 27 – 101st Army Rock and Country Band at Englewood City Center

June 27 – 5th Gear Funk at Arvada McIlvoy Park

June 28 – A League of Their Own MovieStapleton’s Movies on The Green

June 28 — Hot Tomatoes. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

June 29 — Last Men on Earth. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

June 30 — Buckner FunkenJazz. City Park Jazz at the Bandstand by City Park Pavilion on Ferril Lake.


July 1 – The Wizard of Oz Movie at Infinity Park.

July 4 — 101 Army Dixieland Band. Sounds of Southlands.

July 5 — Wendy Woo. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

July 6 — Wash Park. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

July 6 — That Eighties Band. Stapleton’s Founders Green.

July 7 — Invisible Bird. City Park Jazz at the Bandstand by City Park Pavilion on Ferril Lake.

July 9 — Tunisia. Concerts at the Crescent at the Crescent Amphitheater in Greenwood Village.

July 10 — Tierro with Bridget Law. Evergreen Lake

July 11 — Under a Blood Red Sky. Sounds of Southlands.

July 11: Soul X. FlatIron Crossing’s Summer Nights Concert Series

July 11 — Deja Blu. Highlands Ranch Summer Concert Series

July 11 – Secret Life of Pets Movies at Aspen Grove.

July 11 – The Hot Lunch Band at Englewood City Center

 July 11 – Queen City Jazz Band at Arvada McIlvoy Park

July 12 – Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Movie. Stapleton’s Movies on The Green

July 12 — John Weeks Band. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

July 12 – Katherine Dines  Hunk Ta Bunk Ta Music Kids show at Arvada McIlvoy Park

July 13 — Loving the Alien. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

July 14 — Conjunto Colores. City Park Jazz at the Bandstand by City Park Pavilion on Ferril Lake.

July 15 – Coco Movie at Infinity Park

July 16 — Wash Park Band. Concerts at the Crescent at the Crescent Amphitheater in Greenwood Village.

July 17 — TBA. Northglenn Summer Concert at EB Rains Park in Northglenn

July 17 — Ralph Breaks the Internet Movie. Sounds of Southlands.

July 18 — Funky Business. Littleton’s Clement Park plays host to Foothills Entertainment Series

July 18: The Nacho Men. FlatIron Crossing’s Summer Nights Concert Series

July 18 — A Country Music Project. Highlands Ranch Summer Concert Series

July 18 — Soul X. Sounds of Southlands.

July 18 – Scooby Doo Movies at Aspen Grove.

July 18 – The Raising Cain Band at Englewood City Center

July 18 – Mile High Big Band at Arvada McIlvoy Park

July 19 — Trouble in the Heartland Springsteen Tribute Band. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

July 20 — Blink 90210. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

July 21 — Brass Band Extravaganza (note time: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.) featuring Badda Boom Brass Band, Tivoli Club Brass Band and Guerrilla Fanfare. City Park Jazz at the Bandstand by City Park Pavilion on Ferril Lake.

July 23 — Six Million Dollar Band. Concerts at the Crescent at the Crescent Amphitheater in Greenwood Village.

July 24 — Tunisia. Evergreen Lake

July 24 — TBA. Northglenn Summer Concert at EB Rains Park in Northglenn

July 24 — Incredibles 2 Movie. Sounds of Southlands.

July 25 – Hotel for Dogs Movies at Aspen Grove.

July 25: The Radio Band. FlatIron Crossing’s Summer Nights Concert Series

July 25 — Michael Friedman Band. Littleton’s Clement Park plays host to Foothills Entertainment Series

July 25 — That Eighties Band. Highlands Ranch Summer Concert Series

July 25 — Nacho Men. Sounds of Southlands.

July 26 – Crazy Rich Asians Movie. Stapleton’s Movies on The Green

July 26 — Skean Dubh Celtic Acoustic Band. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

July 28 — Freddy Rodriguez & the Jazz Connection. City Park Jazz at the Bandstand by City Park Pavilion on Ferril Lake.

July 27 — Thumpin’. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

July 29 – The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part movie at Infinity Park

July 30 — The Radio. Concerts at the Crescent at the Crescent Amphitheater in Greenwood Village.

July 31 — TBA. Northglenn Summer Concert at EB Rains Park in Northglenn

July 31 — Despicable Me 3 Movie. Sounds of Southlands.


August 1 — Rebecca Folsom Band. Littleton’s Clement Park plays host to Foothills Entertainment Series

August 1 — 6 Million Dollar Band. Sounds of Southlands.

August 2 — Rachel and the Ruckus. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

August 3 — Grant Farm. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

August 3 — R&B Tribute Band. Stapleton’s Founders Green.

August 4 — The Heavy Heavies featuring Venus Cruz. City Park Jazz at the Bandstand by City Park Pavilion on Ferril Lake.

August 6 — Mannequin. Concerts at the Crescent at the Crescent Amphitheater in Greenwood Village.

August 7 — Lilo & Stitch Movie. Sounds of Southlands.

August 8 — The Long Run. Littleton’s Clement Park plays host to Foothills Entertainment Series

August 8 — Phat Daddy. Sounds of Southlands.

August 9 — SonTres Trio. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

August 9 – Incredibles 2 Movie. Stapleton’s Movies on The Green

August 10 — Legendary Hitchhikers. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

August 12 – The Princess Bride Movie at Infinity Park

August 16 — La Pompe. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

August 17 — Face. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

August 23 — Juke Box Boys. Belmar’s Music on the Plaza concert series

August 24 — That Eighties Band. The Orchard Town Center Concerts in Westminster.

August 31 — Denver Municipal Band. Stapleton’s Founders Green.




Author: Gretchen

Gretchen loves to be outdoors! She is addicted to coupons and finding the best deals or entering sweepstakes (one day she will win something really great!)

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Gretchen loves to be outdoors! She is addicted to coupons and finding the best deals or entering sweepstakes (one day she will win something really great!)

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