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Child advocates talk ideas after a Denver child went missing for 7 months and was then found dead

Child advocates talk ideas after a Denver child went missing for 7 months and was then found dead

A boy known to his elementary school and to the Department of Human Services went unnoticed for more than seven months before his body was found in a Denver storage unit. His death has child advocates wondering if something in the system needs to change.

Caden McWilliams’ principal at Ellis Elementary School in Denver described him as a model student who always had a smile.

Police said they believe he was last seen alive at Ellis Elementary on May 24. 

It’s a description that leads Dr. Becky Miller Updike, the executive director of Rocky Mountain Children’s Law Center to wonder if administrators and teachers “didn’t know about the red flags” because maybe there weren’t any. 

Photo: 9News

Mile High Mamas
Author: Mile High Mamas

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