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Learn more about prenatal, infant and toddler policy solutions in 2019

Learn more about prenatal, infant and toddler policy solutions in 2019

Do you want to become more involved in Colorado’s policy solutions for children in 2019?

Across Colorado, family child care homes provide an essential source of care for children and families. The public policies that affect these homes are an area of robust discussion throughout the state, and Colorado Children’s Campaign wants to hear the voices of stakeholders on several topics.

Please join the Prenatal, Infant, Toddler Coalition, Clayton Early Learning, the Colorado Children’s Campaign, the Colorado Association of Family Child Care, and MyVillageto share your perspective and experiences and help them better understand the unique challenges and opportunities for family child care in Colorado.

The policy discussion will be held on Saturday, Dec. 8 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Hadley Branch Library, 1890 S. Grove St, Denver or via Zoom (login information provided upon request.)

Refreshments will be provided and child care is available upon request. RSVP to Zarah levy at[email protected] or 303-393-5619.


Since convening earlier this year, the Prenatal, Infant, Toddler Coalition has been hard at work growing our membership and developing a policy agenda to support expecting families, pregnant people, infants and toddlers so they may thrive. At the Colorado Children Campaign’s Dec. 14 meeting, they will share their policy agenda and communications plans, as well as opportunities to engage for a successful 2019 legislative session.

As always, coalition membership is open so feel welcome to attend whether you’ve been engaged before or not! 

The meeting will be held from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at The Embassy Suites Denver Stapleton, 4444 Havana St, Denver, CO 80239 and via Zoom. If you have questions or would like additional information, contact Jacy Montoya Price at [email protected] or 303-620-4547.  

Mile High Mamas
Author: Mile High Mamas

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