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Celebrate National School Walk UP Day

Celebrate National School Walk UP Day

Our nation is justifiably on-edge regarding the heartbreaking school shootings and the safety of our students. I thought my children’s middle school principal had a powerful response to the “National School Walkout” movement on March 14th.

Whatever action you choose (or nothing at all), I hope we can all move toward kindness, empathy and healing.


Dear Parents,

The tragedy in Broward County two weeks ago and other losses of life on school campuses across the nation over several years have driven increased interest in student-led civic engagement efforts and actions, including the idea of school walk-outs. We support students’ Constitutional rights to peaceful assembly and free expression.

Our goal in responding to walk-out plans and other forms of peaceful assembly is to try and keep focus on teaching and learning while providing guidance and planning to support student and staff safety. Our commitment is to recognize collectively we can agree that school violence is not acceptable.

Our goal is to help students recognize the importance of pro-social behavior. This Wednesday, March 14, is National School Walk Up Day instead of walk out. This falls in line with our Cool to Care and We Dine Together programs. Please talk with your student about National Walk Up Day.

Here is their platform:

Walk up to the student who sits alone at lunch and invite them to sit with your group;

Walk up to the students who sits quietly in the corner of the room and sit next to them, smile and say ‘Hi’;

Walk up to the student who causes disruptions in class and ask how they are doing;

Walk up to teachers and thank them;

Walk up to someone who has an opposing view and get to know them–you may be surprised at how much you have in common.

Build on that foundation instead of casting stones.

We challenge students to find 14 students and 3 adults to walk up to and say something nice to honor those who died so tragically on February 14, 2018.

I appreciate the support and the continued dialog in our community concerning school safety.

Our goal is to have all children feel safe while they here.We live in a wonderful community and I am very honored to be your student’s principal.

Amber Johnson
Author: Amber Johnson

Amber is the founder and editor of Mile High Mamas, travel writer and former columnist for The Denver Post. She is a passionate community builder and loves the outdoors. She has two awesome teens and is happily married to a man obsessed with growing The Great Pumpkin.

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Amber is the founder and editor of Mile High Mamas, travel writer and former columnist for The Denver Post. She is a passionate community builder and loves the outdoors. She has two awesome teens and is happily married to a man obsessed with growing The Great Pumpkin.

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