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Colorado Family Travel

Family travel: Mile High Mamas in the Wall Street Journal

Family travel: Mile High Mamas in the Wall Street Journal

Would you let your kids plan your family vacation?

That is the question my family was asked by Wall Street Journal reporter Sue Shellenbarger. Don’t miss her fun article!


Dare to Let the Children Plan the Family Vacation

Summer is a time of family trips and outings. Figuring out a plan that suits everyone can be tricky. It pays to involve children in the decisions—without giving them too much control.

Taking part in family decision-making teaches children valuable skills. They learn to advocate for what they want, listen to others’ wishes and make compromises. But parents who have ceded some decision-making to their children warn there are right and wrong ways to do it.

The Johnson family of Denver is planning a car trip to western Colorado this summer. Amber Johnson says her daughter Hadley, 12, persuaded the family to go jet-boating, racing over the Colorado River at speeds of up to 40 miles an hour in boats driven by professionals. 

It’s a plan Ms. Johnson and her husband Jamie would never have CLICK TO KEEP READING AT THE WSJ.

Amber Johnson
Author: Amber Johnson

Amber is the founder and editor of Mile High Mamas, travel writer and former columnist for The Denver Post. She is a passionate community builder and loves the outdoors. She has two awesome teens and is happily married to a man obsessed with growing The Great Pumpkin.

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Amber is the founder and editor of Mile High Mamas, travel writer and former columnist for The Denver Post. She is a passionate community builder and loves the outdoors. She has two awesome teens and is happily married to a man obsessed with growing The Great Pumpkin.

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