Jessica Singleton and the father of her son aren’t still together, but gives an amazing example of how to co-parent beautifully.
In a heartfelt Facebook post dedicated to her ex, Jessica detailed all the things he does for both her and her child that might seem simple but which she doesn’t take for granted.
“This is a man who doesn’t pay a dime through the state because when my son needs new clothes, I just call him.
This is a man who buys a bundle of kids’ movies on Vudu so even I can enjoy them with my son in my own home. A man who drops off the $45 box of pull-ups at my front door so I don’t have to load him up and go to the store. . . .
This is a man who tells his son not to forget mommy’s boyfriend when he lists his favorite people off the top of his head . . . A man who rushes over because we got locked out of the house or spends his evening fixing something for us.
This is a man who labeled the presents he bought his son from ‘mommy’ because mommy couldn’t get him as many. A man who still watches my sister’s kids so our son can be with his cousins. One who accompanies me to meet strangers from Craigslist to ensure we are safe.
This is the diaper-bag-wearing, chocolate-milk-making, selfless, protective, generous, accomplished FATHER to my son.”