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15+ Ideas for Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day With Your Kids

15+ Ideas for Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day With Your Kids

Martin Luther King Jr. Day always creeps up on me. After the frenzy of Christmas, this important commemorative holiday goes unnoticed at my house.

I have vowed to make this year different.

MLK Day Marade

Of course, the most obvious way to salute the legacy of Martin Luther King is at the annual MLK Day Marade. The combination march-and-parade starts at City Park (2100 Steele Street), where walkers will assemble on Monday, January 16, 2017 at 9 a.m. Go here for more information. 

Crafts and Activities

If you want to stay closer to home, I have compiled a list of easy activities and crafts you can do with your children.

*In honor of the gifts Dr. King gave our nation, try these five creative ways to help children celebrate his vision of hope and sense of humanity. They include creating a multicultural banquet, decorations, “walking the walk” and visiting a different house of worship.
*This is a simple look at how we can look different on the outside, yet be the same on the inside. Designed for preschoolers.

*Being Treated Equally. This is a powerful way to really drive the message of equality home. Designed for kindergartens, but easily adaptable to all ages.

*One of Martin Luther King’s greatest achievements was his ability to help Americans appreciate diversity. Celebrate his birthday with an eclectic holiday dinner featuring cuisine from different countries or geographical regions.

*Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by learning facts about Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, his life, and his career and accomplishments as a civil rights leader.
*These Martin Luther King Jr. Day crafts can be used to teach children about other colors and cultures, and discuss the principals that Dr Martin Luther King Jr stood for.

*Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Coloring Pages. Get out your interactive crayon and color some of these famous Americans in history, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

*This peace dove painting was made using a hand print! Check out Handprint and Footprint Art for the how-to.

*How much do you know about the young Martin Luther King Jr.? Test your knowledge with this informative quiz.

What are some of your ideas for celebrating the holiday?

Amber Johnson
Author: Amber Johnson

Amber is the founder and editor of Mile High Mamas, travel writer and former columnist for The Denver Post. She is a passionate community builder and loves the outdoors. She has two awesome teens and is happily married to a man obsessed with growing The Great Pumpkin.

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Amber is the founder and editor of Mile High Mamas, travel writer and former columnist for The Denver Post. She is a passionate community builder and loves the outdoors. She has two awesome teens and is happily married to a man obsessed with growing The Great Pumpkin.


  1. If explaining the civil rights movement to a preschooler seems a little daunting, Elmer by David McKay is a great book to use! We talk about it here.

  2. I think MLK was a great man for his race, a great man. But if you look around at what we have today coming from the black race, I think MLK would be very unhappy with his people, I don’t believe this is what he saw in the future.

  3. I need to do a better job celebrating the holiday with my kids. Good suggestions.

  4. i need some ideas for a family night celebrations fo rmlk day at a school some projects

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