How was it that you started the Denver Playground Project?
Most of the trails featured in my first book
“Run, Stroll, Hike” begin or end near a playground. During research for that book, I realized that I had never heard of most of the play areas I stumbled upon. At the same time, my own kids were outgrowing the toddler phase and had begun to truly appreciate the variety of play structures in our local parks. I started to wonder if someone had assembled a list of all the Denver area playgrounds. It turned out that nobody had a comprehensive list; some municipalities I contacted had not even completed an inventory of their playgrounds in years. So I set out to compile an overview of where all those play areas are located (using lists, maps, and satellite images), and to visit and rate each on specific criteria.
Where are some of your other favorite places to takes kids in Denver besides playgrounds?
In the colder months, we like to go to rec centers with indoor pools. In the summer, we head to outdoor pools. We also frequent the Denver Zoo, Elitch Gardens, and indoor trampoline parks such as Jumpstreet. I’m also a big fan of taking Kenny and Elena with me on every-day errands such as a trip to Home Depot, the bank, or the post office. They learn something on every outing and some of them turn into real adventures!
What do you enjoy most about being a dad?
I like combining something fun for the kids with accomplishing something personally. Visiting 737 playgrounds in 2 years would not have been much fun by myself, but with Kenny and Elena it turned into a project we were all invested in. I currently work from home, a conscious decision, which allows me to spend extra time with the kids. I really don’t mind picking them up from school and running errands with them in tow.
What advice would you give for first-time fathers?
Be prepared for change. In fact, the times of steady-state are over… get ready to change with your kids. They are always evolving and their needs and interests constantly change, so it’s really more like taking care of a new person every month. That was a surprise for me and meant that tried-and-true activities were always replaced by something else quite quickly. Accept change and have fun going with it!
What is one of your favorite moments or memories with your kids?
One weekend after the playground project was completed, Elena (age 4) said something like “What? We’re only going to 2 playgrounds today? That’s not acceptable!” At that time, she was accustomed to visiting 6 or 7 parks in one afternoon and was expecting this to continue for the rest of her childhood years… sorry, I spoiled you forever.
If you’re curious to discover more of the metro area’s play areas, get a copy of Chris’ book “Denver Playgrounds & Parks,” available as a guide book or iPhone app. For details, please visit his website at