A few months ago, I decided that I’d like to run the Bolder Boulder on Memorial Day. Since I have never run a 5K…or any-K for that matter since P.E. class in High School (Class of 1600 BC), I bribed my family to do the Family Walk division in the Bolder Boulder this year so I can do a test run (no pun intended) and see what it’s all about.
My thoughts are that I’ve had a bit of time to train. I’m not a runner by nature (well, unless you count running errands!) I love to shop, so I more or less go at a leisurely stroll (so as not to miss any bargains, of course). If shopping was an Olympic sport, hands down I’d have the gold! But here I am, committing to this 5K. I’m motivated, driven, I even bought a cute new running outfit. I’m putting it out there because then this way I now have to be accountable, right? Power of your peers and all that.
But all this motivation has got me thinking…why this race and why now? I mean, I “thought” about running last year…and then I also thought about how warm and cozy my couch was all winter long with Mr. Wonderful rubbing my feet. Aaahhh. So why the sudden inspiration?
Well, I’m not sure. It could have something to do with the change of weather. After all, the sun is shining and spring is in the air! How could you NOT want to be outside? Or maybe with another birthday this year it reminds me that my Life’s To-Do List is still incomplete. The Bolder Boulder is “A very Colorado thing to do” and yet…I think it also may have to do with the fact that Father’s Day is also just around the corner. You see, I lost my father to heart failure and diabetes.30
Since then, I’ve taken a closer look at my health and my family’s health. I cook with less butter, I use salt sparingly, I drink more water, and exercise means more then just looking good in a bathing suit.
Whatever the motivation, I’m looking forward to this race as a personal challenge. And I will see you across the finish line today!
It’s funny when we randomly get an idea like this in our head. I, too made a running goal, though I was delusional enough to think I could run a half-marathon.
I hope yours goes better than mine. 🙂
Carol Jones
Good for you for going out on a limb…and hopefully not damaging a few of yours along the way. 🙂
That is pretty good motivation to run – buying a cute running outfit!!!!
P.S. Good for you and healthy living!
Shannon (Cole Mine)
I ran track in high school, but somehow running 100 meters seems WAY less intimidating than anything over the mile mark. I’ve never run a 5K either and was just telling my husband, I want to kick this butt into shape and start running again.
I think it’s so great you are involving your family. What a great example to set for kids. Good luck to you with your new endeavor!
Shannon (Cole Mine)
I ran track in high school, but somehow running 100 meters seems WAY less intimidating than anything over the mile mark. I’ve never run a 5K either and was just telling my husband, I want to kick this butt into shape and start running.
I think it’s so great you are involving your family. What a great example to set for kids. Good luck to you with your new endeavor!
I just ran the 5K Cherry Creek Sneak with a group of moms. We trained every Sunday for 6 weeks with Stroller Strides. All of us have kids under 3, and most of us had never run a race. I can’t tell you how much fun it was, week after week, to see ourselves running further. And then on race day – wow! There was so much excitement , and when we crossed that finish line… You go girl!
I’d be happy just to run a mile without getting crazy winded and hurting for days . . . this girls was not made for endurance running, I think I’ll stick with anaerobic athletic prusuits.