Parents these days have literally hundreds of options when it comes to summer day camps for their kids. How can an overworked and under budgeted mom possibly know if they are investing in the right program? Sure, our camps are affordable and full of fun, learning, and friendship but we want to take it a step further. Our Adventure Architects at Colorado Adventure Point have put together a simple one-question survey to guide parents: “Will this day camp prepare my kids to survive the zombie apocalypse?”
With that question to guide us, we have developed a series of day camp programs that we believe qualify us as the best choice to prepare your kids for adventure, no matter what!
- STEM – Most movies about zombies involve science in some form whether it’s science gone wrong starting the entire problem, or science gone right that ends up saving the day. Our campers will be set on the right path to making moral and ethical scientific decisions that definitely won’t lead to a worldwide outbreak of zombies.
- Rock Climbing – Climbing isn’t just about exercise or excitement, it involves learning useful knots, how to trust in yourself and your team, and essential outdoor skills. In the Climbing Adventure Academy campers will learn orienteering, outdoor survival, leave no trace principles, and basic first aid. In a zombie survival scenario, and daily life, everyone needs to have practical skills for unexpected situations, and being able to climb a 15’ cliff might just mean the difference between life and death or at least a good summer and a great one.
- Marksmanship – Other than the obvious connection to zombies the Marksmanship Adventure Academy which uses marksmanship to teach self-discipline and focus – very important skills to have any time before or after the zombie apocalypse. Plus, we practice making arrows which will surely come in handy by day number 3 when conventional zombie stopping tools have run out.
- Character Development – Anyone who has seen a zombie movie knows that things can get pretty grim. With limited resources people may fight amongst themselves, but not our campers! Our kids learn valuable skills like communication, team work, and the importance of helping other people at all times.
Skill. Knowledge. Attitude. Every event at Colorado Adventure Point is built with the intention of preparing the next generation to leave the world better than how they found it. Our small class size and passionate instructors make sure that every child gets individualized attention, giving them the tools they need to realize their full potential. Available to every boy and girl, our Adventure Academies will get your kids prepared for zombies, ready for life. Start Your Adventure Here!
-Austin Durr