Who is dragging today due to one less hour of sleep thanks to Daylight Savings Time?
My children could not be more opposite in most areas of their lives. I’m not a night person and neither is my son Bode. When we’re tired, we go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up early. In fact, that kid of mine is so weird that he sets his alarm clock a half-hour early so he can come in and snuggle until it’s time to get ready for school. Who does that?
Certainly not Hadley. She’s a night owl and does her best creating in the wee hours. While Bode is in bed by 9 p.m., we’ll let her stay up until 10 p.m. on school nights but then we can’t get her out of bed in the mornings. I’ve tried everything I can think of: alarm clock, waking her up in 10-minute increments, niceties, threats–you name it. Miraculously, we have never once been late for school.
When I initially saw this video “Time to Wake Up the Boy,” a three-year complication of one father’s attempts to wake up his son, I thought it was horrible. Sure, it was funny but that poor kid!
After my umpteenth battle with Hadley trying to drag her out of bed (especially this morning), I totally get it. Time to Wake The Girl, Mom Edition.
Another funny video that nails the painful morning wake-up is the Holderness Family’s latest parody, “It’s So Hard to Get Out the Door,” that pokes fun at their family’s morning routine set to the Boyz II Men song, “It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday.”
Tell me about it.
I hate Daylight Savings. I think all states should get rid of Daylight Savings and introduce Summer Trading hours for those who want the extra hour of daylight in the afternoon. Instead of making everyone change their clocks, just tell people that when the daylight gets longer and the weather warms up, instead of starting at 9 and finishing at 5, start at 8 and finich at 4. It really is that simple
Waking up kids. Oh, how I can relate.
Re: Daylight Savings. The days get longer and shorter all on their own. When are people going to get it?