Our Memorable Valentine’s Day Cards
To my wife, my true love.
I know a place
where wishes come true
and day-to-day worries
seem insignificant,
and where the pressures
of time and schedules
seem a million miles away….
I know a place
that’s safe and warm,
and whenever I’m with you….
I am there.
I love you for your brains,
but come to think of it….
Nice butt, too.
Happy Valentine’s Day, indeed. 🙂 How was yours?
Now THAT is romance! We only went out to a romantic restaurant without the kids. What do we know about it? 🙂
Gina (mannyed)
hahahaha, that sounds like my Husband and I!
Great cards! I worked last night – how is that for a Valentine’s day? hahahaha
At least you did SOMETHING. I made a really lame dinner that we ended up having to eat cold because Hubby forgot his keys to lock up work at home… it takes a half an hour to get out there… and half an hour home… sigh.
Happy Anniversary!
I think that no further illustration is needed, Amber.
My husband and I actually just cooked a great dinner at home and had two wonderful friends over that were single and recently divorced so that they wouldn’t sit alone at home and consume vats of Ben & Jerry’s.
At least you got each other cards!
Though I have to admit I am the one who forgot this year. 🙂
LOL…very nice Amber.
I’m glad you two are getting away from it all for a bit. You deserve a break after all the stress. Your wedding picture is great. I love the snow. (that’s because I don’t live with it)
All men think that having their butt praised is poetic!
You look beautiful in your wedding photo! Well, from the pictures on your blog I have surmised that you look beautiful all the time!
I love that you have snow in your wedding picture. It looks so magical and beautiful.
I am glad you are getting to go away. You deserve it! Enjoy!
great one! happy vday!!!!
We enjoyed a nice family dinner at home and shared cards and treats and just enjoyed each others company.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
atleast you two got each other cards. happy anniversary and a trip to carmel sounds wonderful for the both of you.
so grateful to be mormon
do you have comment moderation on amber. i hate to think the long comment i just wrote you is gone. i couldn’t tell if it worked. if it didn’t work, i am so sorry and wanted you to know my heart goes out to you and your family because of jamie’s job situation. God bless you, kathleen
We had a most lovely Valentine’s Day, thanks for asking;)
I got my hubby Cheese Curds from Wisconsin..HA! He loved ’em.
I got Roses, and I loved them.
BTW: I love your wedding picture, beautiful.
Love the cards!!!
Happy Anniversary–I hope you had a great celebration. Have fun in Carmel–actually the trip couldn’t have come at a better time ; ) Relax and don’t worry–everything will work out.
You are such a beautiful couple.
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