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To The Friend I Never Called

To The Friend I Never Called

Dear Friend,

I’m not even sure you remember that time a few months ago when we ran into each other at the store. Had it been six months, two years, five years since we had seen each other?

We hugged. We chatted. We shared stories about how our kids are growing up too fast. Our mouths gaped when we realized the kids were so much older than we remembered them. It was a lovely ten minutes of my day. I’m quite sure you felt the same.

Our parting words went something like this, “It was so great to see you! What a fun surprise! I’ll call you and we can go out for coffee or go to the park with the kids!”

I don’t know who promised the phone call. It was probably me. And I didn’t call.

On the other hand, maybe it was you who flippantly suggested a phone call follow-up to our incidental meeting. And you didn’t call.

I’m sorry. I’d love to see you again for ten minutes or longer just about any day! But you know what? Our lives just aren’t connected like they used to be and we don’t need to feel badly about that!

Let’s enjoy those times when we serendipitously get to chat in the parking lot at the grocery store or find one another at the same friend’s anniversary party! Some day our paths may travel side-by-side again and we’ll have a blast together.  But for now, let’s not get caught up in making plans that we know we can’t keep.

I love you and I’ll be seeing you.

Your Friend

 Jenna lives in Littleton and loves connecting with friends old and new in parking lots and at parties… anywhere will do! When she’s not hanging out with family and friends she’s probably just “busy.” Lame.

P.S. Have you seen this video that has gone viral? A mom creates a hilarious video to apologize to parents without kids.

Mile High Mamas
Author: Mile High Mamas

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1 Comment

  1. You nailed it. I was really guilty of this with one friend in particular. We’d always make promises because we truly enjoyed each other but in the end, we came to an unspoken agreement not to say “let’s get together soon” and now, just end our conversations with “great seeing you!”

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