The Aurora Parks, Recreation and Open Space staff is readying the city’s golf courses and playing fields for a summer season that promises to be busy with new attractions and free admission at all outdoor pools every Friday.
Free Fridays is a new initiative that city council sanctioned this year in an effort to encourage activity and reintroduce residents to two outdoor pools — Pheasant Run and Village Green — which were both reopened last summer after years of dormancy.
“I was very happy council got the funds to reopen Pheasant Run in my ward last year,” said Ward 5 Councilmember Bob Roth. “I think that the neighbors will appreciate the gesture (of Free Fridays), and I think that it will get more people excited about the reopening of the pool.”
Free Fridays applies to all guests, not just children, said Sherri-Jo Stowell, spokeswoman for the Aurora parks department. Most outdoor pools will open for summer on May 24, and the Aurora Reservoir Swim Beach opens May 23.
Construction on the new Del Mar Pool spray park is also well underway and expected to open to guests in June. Stowell said city staff is also launching a “Summer in the City” play series every Wednesday at Del Mar Park, starting May 28. Activities will include free, inflatable water slides, park games, nature activities and snacks from noon to 2 p.m.
Golf courses and sports fields in Aurora are also CLICK TO KEEP READING
Pool time
These pools will be open May 24 to 25 from noon to 6 p.m., and May 26 from 1 to 5 p.m.:
• Meadow Hills Pool at 3609 S. Dawson St.
• Moorhead Pool at 2390 Havana St.
• Parklane Pool at 13003 E. 30th Ave.
• Village Green Pool at 1300 S. Chambers Circle
These pools will be open May 31 and June 1, from noon to 6 p.m., and then begin regular hours June 6. :
• Aqua Vista Pool at 18700 E. Wagontrail Circle
• Pheasant Run Pool at 14971 E. Pheasant Run Parkway
• Del Mar Pool at 12000 E. 6th Ave. is closed for renovations until May 2015.