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Top Five Commercials of Super Bowl 2014

Top Five Commercials of Super Bowl 2014

Less sexism, same great taste!

Our Super Bowl XLVIII ad panel noted more optimism and patroitism, fewer cheap jokes and sleazy sight gags this year. Advertisers spent $4 million per 30-second spot to pitch their brands, employing celebrities — Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danica Patrick, Stephen Colbert, David Beckham, Laurence Fishburne — and puppies. “Maybe it’s the uptick in the economy, but a lot of the ads seem to play to a less cynical mindset,” said Aaron Stern of gyro.

Which ads were most effective?


A Lab puppy falls in love with a Clydesdale, to the tune of “Let Her Go” by Passenger. When the puppy is sold, the horse jumps the fence to run after the beloved pup. Reunited, they’re “Bestbuds.”

From the panel: Robinson: “The marketers realize that no one can resist a puppy, especially when it falls in love with a Clydesdale. Yet there is something ambiguous about the ad. Sound and image are mismatched. It’s a sad, sad song. The melancholy song undermines the “cuteness” of the story.” Wagner: “Following its emotional “Brotherhood” which topped the charts last year, Budweiser’s traditional Clydesdale spot looks to be another winner. We all love the majestic Clydesdales and the story continues with a new pal for the big steed: an adorable puppy. Is that fair? From bonding with his trainer to bonding with a puppy? Yes, all’s fair in love and Super Bowl Admeter wars (more than 24 million hits on YouTube). Tugging at the heart strings in a classy way makes for an effective ad.” Stern: “Not the most conceptual/original idea, but sweet and memorable, all about appealing to the masses.”

Jaguar “Good to be bad”

Sir Ben Kingsley, Mark Strong, and Tom Hiddleston as British villains in a high-speed chase through London, describe themselves and the attributes of the new F-Type Jaguar.

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Mile High Mamas
Author: Mile High Mamas

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  1. Tonight was the night I became a Jaguar girl. Forget my Corvette, Loki told me to buy an F-Type and as a loyal minion, I shall obey.
    Honorable mention to Maserati and Fiat by extent ion for having the testicular fortitude or lunacy to blow 4 mil on a commercial for a car that virtually nobody has heard of by a marque virtually nobody in America buys. I don’t have the slightest clue what was up with their commercial, but the Ghibli or however it’s spelled is a mighty sexy car. That said, I’d have preferred a spot for the Alfa Romeo 4C because it’s even sexier. C’mon Fiat, forget Maserati and hurry up with Alfa!
    I’m not much of a feminist, but I was a bit sad VW didn’t give wings to any female engineers. We want our wings too!

  2. I thought a lot of them were really well done. I especially liked the Coke ad and the Tebow T-Mobile ads.

  3. The best commercial by far was “America the Beautiful” by Coke.

  4. I was, sadly, once again struck by the crassness of modern day advertising. It is doubly sad when it occurs during a sporting event, where parents might be most likely to be watching with small children. In my case, I watch a lot of sports with my aged Mother, who summed up the lack of character in the commercials quite succinctly: “They just lack wholesomeness.”

    One company after another, trying to out-do the others in shock factor and crudeness. If the advertising executives have grandparents, I wonder what reaction they would get from them.

  5. Oikos with the Full House cast.

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