Audition call! Do you love to write?
Listen To Your Mother Denver is seeking a diverse collection of local writers to read their own words about motherhood in a show that is going to be spectacular. Denver is joining over thirty other shows in the fifth season nationwide and they need you to share your story about motherhood. Several of Mile High Mamas’ acclaimed bloggers participated in 2013 and had a fabulous time!
They want to hear your original stories. All ages, women AND men, and ethnicities are encouraged and invited to audition no matter what their level of writing experience.
Audition details:
-Auditions will be be held Saturday, February 22nd in Denver by appointment only on a first-come first-served basis.
-Audition piece should be close to 5 minutes in length when read out loud (about 1,000 words).
-Please bring a copy of your piece to submit.
-You will need to attend two rehearsals in April (TBD) as well as the show which will be held Wednesday, May 7th at The Elaine Wolf Theatre at 7 p.m.
-Check out the Listen To Your Mother Denver 2013 playlist and the other terrific cities for inspiration.
-Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
If you would like to sign up to audition for Listen To Your Mother Denver 2014, please sign up here.
Lori Lavender Luz
As a member of the 2013 LYTM Denver cast, I highly recommend going for this experience. Put it on your bucket list and then check it off!
Here’s the playlist for the 2013 Denver show, all 12 entries.
Amber Johnson
I was really inspired by all the women who did this last year!