In Colorado, 4 out of 5 fourth graders from low-income families cannot read at grade level.
Did you read that last sentence? Is that real?
It is, and it means that 93% of students in under-resourced schools feel frustrated or defeated every time they open a book. It means that students who should be ready to start books like Harry Potter are instead still uncomfortable reading BOB Books and Dr. Seuss.
It means that ultimately, these kids are four times more likely to drop out of school when they get older.
As a father of three, I have a hard time grappling with these statistics. Think of all the families right here in Denver who see their children struggling in school and just don’t have the resources or time to help them.
Here’s where Reading Partners comes in. We are a non-profit organization that works to boost student literacy by empowering community members to provide individualized instruction that produces measurable results.
And it’s easy.
Our program is designed so that no matter a volunteer’s prior experience with education or children, he or she can learn to use our research-validated curriculum and support a student’s concrete skill mastery. In this way, Reading Partners empowers everyone and anyone to become an agent for change for their local schools.
Students receive two 45-minute tutor sessions each week in our partner schools from a volunteer tutor. Our tutors are supported by a full-time Site Coordinator to train, coach, and support them to ensure they are successful.
Giving a student the gift of literacy by 3rd grade can literally change the trajectory of a child’s life.
So what can you do to help?
We need volunteers and advocates.
If you’re a mother (or father) who has time during the school day to volunteer, please consider being a Reading Partners tutor. It will be worth your time, I promise you. We only ask for one hour a week, for one semester, at any of our reading centers around the Denver-Metro area.
And if you’re a mama who barely had time to read this post between shuffling kids around, fruit snacks and tantrums…we still need you! We need your words and your clicking fingers and your smartphones. Help us spread the word to those women (and men!) who do have the time. Follow us on Twitter @RP_Colorado, like us on Facebook, sign up for our newsletter and share this post. Be an advocate for a community who stands behind our families and our children.
Reading Partners’ mission is to help children become lifelong learners by empowering community members like you to make a real difference. We’re interested in change. Learn more about volunteering:
Michael Turner is the Executive Director of Reading Partners Colorado. He lives in Denver with his wife and three boys, ages 6, 4 and 2. Email Mike at: [email protected] or follow him on Twitter at: @RPMikeTurner
Amber Johnson
Love that there are organizations out there like this that are helping our kids.