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Getting out with a New Baby—Denver Edition

So you’re a new mom. Sometime after the haze of feedings, sleepless nights and dirty diapers begins to lift, you may be ready to brave out of the house with your little one.  Aside from meandering around Target until a screaming baby forces you to nurse in the bathroom while sitting on a toilet seat (true story), where’s a Denver mama to go? Here’s a round-up of my favorite free or cheap places to go with your babe.

Breastfeeding Support Groups: If you’re nursing, this is a great free or cheap way to get out with the baby and meet other new moms.  Many baby stores in the area (Sweet Beginnings, Nourish, Becoming Mothers and Naturally Loved to name a few) offer low-cost breastfeeding support groups with a lactation consultant, and many hospitals also offer free baby weigh-ins and support from nurses and lactation consultants on staff. Even if things are going well, it’s an excuse to get out and get your questions answered.

Check out Local Prenatal/Baby/Postpartum stores: The baby stores I mentioned above plus many more also offer anything from Mom/Baby yoga classes to infant massage to baby food making classes at decent prices. It’s not quite in our budget to attend a weekly yoga class, but we have purchased a 5-class punch card and go when we need something to do!  Check out: Sweet Beginnings in Littleton, Belly Bliss in Cherry Creek or the mother ‘hood in the Highlands.

Your Local Library Storytimes: Sure, your baby can’t walk or talk, but they will enjoy looking at the pictures, listening to words and seeing other babies. And you will enjoy talking to other moms.  Put on your best cheesy smile and sing that Hello song like you mean it.

Littleton Historical Museum: Not quite ready to commit to paying for the Zoo when you have an infant? This free living history museum near downtown Littleton is set up like an 1800s farm with animals. Your baby may enjoy looking at all the animals and seeing the sights. If they could care less, at least it was free!

Johnson Reservoir:  For those of you in the Southwest Metro Area, this lake near Wadsworth and Bowles is a fantastic place to meet a friend and walk. Why?  It’s the perfect length (about 2 miles), has great views and there happens to be a Starbucks right by the on-ramp for the path.  Done and Done.

Where are your favorite places to go with a new baby?

Allie Rasmussen is a Denver transplant from the Midwest and a new mom to her 10-month-old son. She loves Starbucks, a good book and exploring Colorado. She blogs at

Mile High Mamas
Author: Mile High Mamas

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  1. Great tips and resources!

    When I was a new stay-at-home mom, I remember I was desperate to get out of the house. I love hiking so joined Colorado Mountain Mamas, was a regular at my library’s story time and then did drop-in pint-size playtime at our local recreation center.

    All were sanity-savers.

  2. My first winter as a new mom was depressing because I was new to Colorado and didn’t have many friends. I remember when I was desperate to get out of the house, I’d just go to Target and walk my baby round and round. When I joined a playground offered in my city, it made things a lot easier to connect with other moms.

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