It’s lazy mornings, long hikes, picnics in the park, swim days, video games, playdates and books we said we’d read but didn’t. It’s the life, COLLEGE LIFE!
Alright, so you’re on to me. I write for Mamas and no, that’s not a realistic glimpse into higher education, well…first semester, freshman year, maybe…but live and learn, right!? Ok, so I’m not done with my list here:
Late(ish) nights, unkempt rooms, uncontrollable raucous, random stickers clinging to the floor, leftover pizza, evaporated Lucky Charms (minus the marshmallowy yummies) crispfused to the table and a never ending pile of seriously dirty laundry. Still sounds like college, doesn’t it? I know what you’re thinking – too many charms in my bowl, but hear me out.
I have a theory.
If it *sounds* like college, then it should *look* like college…SpRinG BrEaK 2013, oh ya! With healthier snacks, extra towels and a lot more SPF! What I’m suggesting is a legit spring break vacation. Not every year, but some year, this year (or next – after you plan and budget – hey, we’re responsible parents here!). Your kids will thank you…and give you serious bonus cool points!
I’m just going to go ahead and admit that it’s been a while since I had a real Spring Break (hard to believe, I know)…but for the sake of journalism, I am willing to go out and capture the story for you — after I score that gig (stay tuned). BUT, what I did do is ask the opinion of a very real college expert. Brilliant and you’re welcome. Check out her tips and suggestions for an unforgettable spring break experience:
Tip #1. It’s All Happening!
When you’re young and just starting to embrace your newfound freedom, nothing seems impossible. Dive in with that same idea, nothing can stop you while you’re on this trip. If you want to remember what it is like to eat an ice cream bar at midnight or ride the roller coasters at Santa Monica Pier again then make it happen!
Tip #2. Down to Formal?
You have been working extremely hard this entire year, so why not “Celebrate Your Successes” (aka Down to Formal). Get dolled up and go out to a nice restaurant. Order something you normally would never get, sip on a cocktail and defiantly order dessert! You deserve at least one nice night out while on your vacation. Coming from a college student budget, I can guarantee you that no one needs a million dollars to do this. Just skip your everyday latte addiction for two weeks and you will have enough money to go out and buy yourself something nice.
Tip #3. Sorry I Am Not Sorry.
Never heard of this saying before? Well, welcome to college 2013 edition. Basically it means you are not going to be sorry about anything you do, end of story. College spring break is a time when this phrase is probably most used; I am sure you know what I mean. Even though this is going to be a family friendly spring break, still go into it with a no regrets train of thought. If you want your vacation to be unstoppable then DO NOT be sorry about any “stupid” things that may happen along the way. So yes, this means take your family out for karaoke and please go sing to the world your best interpretation of “Baby got Back.”
The Spring Break Pledge
And those are insightful words of [college] wisdom that I’m not only unqualified to give but don’t have the full concept/definition/modcoolness to completely understand, ha! What I do know is that…I do here by officially pledge zero regrets when I belt out a wretched Baby Got Back, Love Shack or otherwise (yes, dancing included). I’m thinkn’ this is a distinct possibility on “down to formal” night considering that I might be splurging on a favorite umbrella drink AND…will I be sorry? No way…assuming all YouTube evidence remains unseen, of course, yikes! (And don’t think that I didn’t pack extra SPF, oh ya!)
A huge thanks to sophomore UNLV student Jordyn Hay for her hip spring break tips and a beautifully inspiring photo of Hunting Beach, CA!