Month: September 2012

Embracing the Chaos of IVF Part 5: Our W.T.F. Moment and Amazing News!

A few weeks after the failed IVF attempt, it was time to prepare for round two. After we got Nancy home from rehab, we agreed we needed a family vacation before we tried again. We hadn’t been to Florida in a few years so we decided it was time to head south and visit family and friends. The vacation also included a full day at Disney’s Magic Kingdom, a day at Sea World and a trip to the beach. We were able to put our infertility struggles behind us and relish in the present moment, which is what we needed to do for ourselves and Maya. It’s a good thing we did or we would have missed out on some great memories, like watching Maya give Peter Pan directions to her house. After a week of fun, it was time to head home to Denver. We would be home in time for Memorial Day and I was looking forwar...

September means Octoberfest: A Round-up of Colorado’s best events!

I love to travel to the mountains to catch a glimpse of the turning leaves. But to drag the kids along – that is a whole different story. I believe they would rather have their eyes poked out. It doesn’t help that the first time I tried to do this shortly after I was divorced – I blew a tire on I-70 and refused to call the kids dad. So, we waited on the side of the road until some nice couple came by and helped us.  I have since then discovered the amazing idea that there are several mountain towns (and Denver) celebrating Oktoberfest – which means they get to have fun (and me too) and I get to see the awesome leaves. Breckenridge The biggest and the best of the Oktoberfest parties is in Breckenridge.

Denver Deal: Consignment Sales, Ballet Nouveau, EBook and Ski Deals

My daughter was never much of a runner. She never really likes to do much more than sitting in front of the TV (and could probably recite nearly every show on the Disney Channel). But one day recently she told me that she wanted to run with me. At first she said she would go just one mile, then the next day she went one and a half, and then it was two. Now, she is running 3 miles with me nearly every day. And we get to spend some quality time together – getting healthy TOGETHER! Running is what it was for us. But there is an amazing bike ride called the WackyW in Douglas County that offers a fun opportunity for kids and parents to participate in a bike ride in one of four different distances. I’m excited to get to go try the new fit and healthy menu at IHOP with her next week. ...

How to checkmate a child

Between parenting fails we all enjoy the occasional parenting win. These are moment to treasure and savor, these times when, through design or accident, you play your hand well. Here are a couple of mine.

Events: Rocky Mountain PBS Kids Fun Fest, Wildlife Experience’s 10th Anniversary Party

Wildlife Experience 10th Anniversary Party. On Saturday, September 8 be sure to hike, climb or wade to The Wildlife Experience for an outdoor adventure sampler platter of hands-on experiences including zip line, bungee, rock wall, archery, air rifles, archery and much more! The Wildlife Experience is hosting a community-wide adventure carnival to honor their new mission and our 10-Year Anniversary. Admission is just $1 and the chance to test your skills at a variety of family-friendly outdoor adventure activities located throughout the museum grounds. Younger guests can even meet Diego from Nick Jr.’s popular show Go, Diego, Go! (11 a.m. – 1p.m.) enjoy spin art, elephant bounce house, wild temporary tattoos and more. Don’t miss the delicious carnival-themed fare including kettle corn...

Fall 2012 TV Preview: More thrills and chills, fewer laughs

Television will do its best to scare, unnerve and cliffhang this fall. With the rare exception, the dramas look much more promising than the comedies. A range of old dramatic genres and types — the lawman, the superhero, the archvillain, the detective, the catfight — are getting modern updates. The comedic offerings for Fall 2012 are a middling bunch, although history suggests some comedies take time to grow into themselves. (“Modern Family” was an instant hit but “Seinfeld”and “Cheers” were famously slow starters.) Time for a couch potato’s version of speed dating vis-a-vis the 18 new series, with premiere dates. Guess which ones will make it past Thanksgiving? The six best:

Fall 2012 TV Schedule: When do your favorite TV shows return? When do the new fall series begin?

Premieres and returning broadcast and cable TV series: (Note: All times listed are MST. Dates and times are subject to change.) Monday, Sept. 10 “The Voice” (7 p.m., NBC) Tuesday, Sept. 11 “Go On” (8 p.m., NBC) “The New Normal” (8:30 p.m., NBC) “Parenthood” (9 p.m., NBC) Wednesday, Sept. 12

Colorado’s increase in whooping-cough cases has babies, moms reeling

A nearly fivefold jump in Colorado whooping-cough cases is prompting a new round of warnings from families and doctors, who urge the public to get boosters and vaccine-resisters to change heart. Through early August, Colorado had 735 cases of the life-threatening cough — also called pertussis — compared with an average of 160 at the same point in recent years. The sharp rise, reflected nationally, is hitting Colorado infants the hardest. Count Valerie Castillo among the moms now shouting for vaccine renewals, after her then-3-week-old son, Jeremiah, stopped breathing and nearly died from the preventable disease. Two weeks ago, Castillo was nursing Jeremiah through what doctors had told her was a routine cold, holding him on her chest as he hacked and hacked. At 3 a.m., she felt his breath ...

Gadgets for Staying Productive and Entertained On-the-Go

Now that school is back in session for most of the kiddos, we also are getting back into our more productive season of the year. Whether you work from home, away from home or are a busy stay-at-home mom, we are always looking for ways to be more productive. I typically work toward spending time every day listening to educational and inspirational audiobooks and podcasts – honestly, I can hardly stand doing housework without something keeping my mind off the mundane chores. I find keeping my brain occupied during daily monotonous duties has great value – I can better my business by devouring relevant audiobooks and podcasts and a better mom and wife by doing the same. Below are a few of my favorite gadgets that help me do this no matter where I am (indoors, outdoors, in the car,...

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