I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. ~Pablo Picasso
If I fail to instill all else in my children, I hope to leave a legacy of insatiable passion and eagerness for life. With that, the courage, determination and faith to follow the unique and wonderful will intended specifically for my children’s lives. Through example, I hope to demonstrate that if we believe, we can achieve.
You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. ~Wayne Gretzky
It can be difficult to take a chance at something new, particularly because the likelihood that it will not go as planned is, well, quite likely. With that, I say – throw caution to the wind (in that level-headed, commonsense kinda way…aka: wear a helmet) – if you succeed, you will be forever grateful; if you fail, you might actually learn a little something along the way! “Of all the people I have ever known, those who have pursued their dreams and failed have lived a much more fulfilling life than those who have put their dreams on a shelf for fear of failure.” ~Author Unknown
A fellow blogger and good friend of mine recently posted a catalog of her main achievements over the past several months. As I pondered this, I realized how much of what we do as parents directly affects our children’s actions and choices. It’s one thing to encourage our children to feel confident and follow their dreams, but it’s a whole different kind of parenting to push our own limits to exemplify this type of behavior.
I was pleasantly surprised, as I looked back at this past year, to discover several laughable but achieved risks…and a couple that didn’t go quite as planned ~ surely I (and hopefully my children) learned a good lesson in those endeavors as well. In all of my attempts, I hope to have provided a positive example of determination.
An entertaining glimpse at some of what I found…
Dabbling in Home Improvement:
After reading an inspiring DIY success story, I was sure I could revamp a couple of mundane walls in our home. The bedroom stenciling went rather well and I learned a thing or two about measurement and patience too.
So, when a family member convincingly suggested a DIY exterior paint job, I was in. This one took wayyyy longer than anticipated, but in the end, we had serious bragging rights – and the insight to never, ever take on this level of DIY again, lol.
My kitchen decor got a bit more creative, much to the demise of the entire project. The white was a bit too light, so I added shadow brushes here and there – which was artsy and attractive in the daylight – and made the wall look dirty as the sun went down. Oh well, just a good reason to close the kitchen at dusk, right?
Endeavors In Ocean Sports:
During a recent trip to Virginia Beach, I was able to try three water sports I have always wanted to try…and with the expert instruction of professionals.
Ocean kayaking *with the dolphins* was nothing short of amazing…a fabulous way to tour the coastline and view the glorious Virginia Beach sunset. Favorite challenge: surfing the waves back to shore. Favorite benefit: chiseled upper body (ok, so I might need more than one outing for that!).
Paddleboarding is one of my new favorite sports – and one I can pursue in Colorado! The sea nettle (a type of jellyfish) lurking below the water’s surface at this Virginia Beach location made the whole experience that much more daring! Earned my bravery badge.
I learned to surf. Yep, it’s official…not professional, but well on my way, wink. I can’t say I actually know how to catch a wave without the guidance of my knowledgeable instructor, BUT I did get up on that board and land gracefully (a few times) without guzzling salt water. My one inquiry: what does all that ocean water do to one’s sodium intake levels!?
Along my personal journey of trying new things, I’ve found it of utmost importance to be able to laugh at myself. Allowing grace in failure provides me the confidence I need to pursue unknown adventures. Sometimes I surprise myself in what I can achieve…and other times I just get a really good giggle! In all of it, my children have a role model to look to as they come to the point of their lives when they ask themselves, “Shall I try something new?”…and knowing that they have a choice…find the confidence to step out, risk it all and take the opportunity.
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic. ~Author Unknown
Lori Holden
I think trying and laughing and risking are all wonderful things to model for your children.
Inspiring post!
Laughing at ourselves is necessary! My 6 year old can get so serious – and seriously hard on himself! Laughter helps so much.
jaime swartzendruber
Yes, laughter and fun are medicinal to the intensity and seriousness of life…and provide a little momsanity in the challenging adventure of child rearing!